VisiFerm RS485 sensor


Optical dissolved oxygen (DO) sensors should be stored in a clean, dry environment prior to use. Avoid prolonged exposure of the inside of the cap to ambient light.

For polarographic DO sensors that will be stored longer than 1 month, Hamilton recommends that the technician removes the internal electrolyte, rinses the cathode assembly with deionized water, and stores the sensor dry. For less than 1 month storage times, polarographic sensors polarographic sensors must be stored at temperatures between −10°C and +60°C with a water-filled cap covering the sensor tip. Prior to calibration and measurement, this cap must be removed. Add fresh electrolyte prior to using the sensor again.

Cleaning the Sensor

Take care when removing deposits from the sensor. Avoid strong chemicals that could harm the silicone membrane used on the sensor tip. Start the cleaning with a dust-free cloth or tissue paper and deionized water. If oil, grease, or other organic matter is present, then use isopropyl alcohol to clean the membrane. If other matter is present, then a non-aggressive detergent such as Alconox® may be used.

If additional documentation is needed please refer to the technical document on shelf life and storage of Dissolved Oxygen Sensors.

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