Automating the Roche KAPA EvoPlus Kit on the HAMILTON NGS STAR V

Library preparation is a key requirement for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) applications and is among the most expensive segments of the sequencing workflow. The full automation of the Roche KAPA EvoPlus workflow on the HAMILTON NGS STAR V 2.0 MPH96 (further referred to as NGS STAR V; Fig. 1) allows NGS library preparation of 96 samples for Whole Genome Sequencing in a single run.
The appropriate placement of reagents, plates and tips is guaranteed, using automated barcode verification. The user can also define in-process controls and upload a worklist with the combination of indexes and samples. The automated error handling and the easy-to-use VENUS framework ensure a smooth setup of the workflow, which can also be started and stopped at specific steps within the process.