Syringe Cleaning Kit

The needle cleaning kit include a series of tungsten wires with varying outer diameters for removing clogs that form inside of small gauge needles. Each package of wire comes with 10 seven inch wires. A biodegradable cleaning concentrate is also included to help remove tenacious residues.

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  • Syringe Care and Use Guide

    Hamilton’s Syringe Care and Use guide outlines the basics of daily syringe use and operation so that scientists and technicians can achieve the highest level of accuracy and precision. Important topics covered include inspection, operating temperature, trapped air, and sample carryover.
  • SDS - Needle Cleaning Solution

    Safety data sheets (SDS) are documents that allow for the documentation and logging of the potential risks and hazards associated with a product or substance. Hamilton Company provides SDS sheets for many of it's syringe and needle parts and accessories. Download the safety data sheet for Hamilton's needle cleaning solution.

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