High-density racks improve the layout of traditional standard racks by concentrating the amount of samples that can be stored in one rack. By increasing the number of samples per rack, the storage capacity in a given footprint increases up to 43%.

Alles durchsuchen
Item # Beschreibung
RackWare HDR-048-02 RackWare HDR-048-02
RackWare HDR-060-01 RackWare HDR-060-01
RackWare HDR-064-01 RackWare HDR-064-01
RackWare HDR-066-01 RackWare HDR-066-01
RackWare HDR-138-04 RackWare HDR-138-04
RackWare HDR-138-03 RackWare HDR-138-03
824559-10 RackWare HDR-138-01

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