Logging in is part of a feature on the Microlab Prep called “user management”. User management also tracks which users create and run which protocols, and controls access to potentially sensitive settings. This article describes how to enable or disable user management, and the benefits of both options.

How It Works

Why Enable User Login: Security

The main benefit of user management is security. You may want to control access to certain settings to prevent less-experienced users from changing how the Prep works. User management also improves traceability, allowing you to track who last edited or ran a protocol.

When user management is enabled, every user must be assigned a username and password. The username and password must be used to login before any activity on the Prep can occur.

Why Disable User Login: Speed

The main benefit of disabling user management is speed. Without having to log in or worry about which user has permissions for certain activities, anyone in your lab can turn on the Prep and begin creating or running protocols.

When user management is disabled, all users have Administrator access to the Prep and no login is requested at the beginning of each session.


  • A username and password for a new admin account, if enabling user management
  • Administrator permissions, if disabling user management


  1. From the home page, tap the settings button. The settings button is located at the top-right corner, and has a gear icon.
  2. In the Software tab, tap Users. A list of users will appear if user management is currently enabled. If user management is disabled, the page will only have a single Enable User Management button.
  3. Select whether to enable or disable user logins:
    • To disable user logins, tap Disable User Management at the bottom-right corner of the page. All users will now have lab administrator permissions.
    • To enable user logins, tap Enable User Management. You will have to create a new administrator account. If user management was previously enabled, the user accounts will be restored after the new Administrator account is created.

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