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Berrin Kucukturkmen, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

In our laboratory, we would like to test the Hamilton Gastight syringes in the production of nanoparticles with microfluidic technology.

The basis of our research is the production of nano-carrier systems with microfluidic technology (the so-called ‘lab-on-a-chip’ concept), which is a game changer in developing new drug delivery systems. Microfluidic systems have mainly entered the fields of biology, medicine and pharmacology, and the small volumes and high-efficiency integration of fluid connections have proven to outperform traditional bench work.

In recent years, successful results have been obtained in the treatment of genetic diseases, cancer immunotherapy and against emerging infectious diseases with nucleic acid-based therapeutics, especially small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and antisense oligonucleotides. Especially, DNA and mRNA vaccines have been identified as primary and rapid responses in the current global COVID-19 outbreak. However, these new nucleic acid-based therapeutics face formulation and distribution challenges in delivering disease targets efficiently, and subsequent high-scale production challenges. To address this issue, our research is planned to produce polymeric and lipid nanoparticular drug delivery systems with microfluidic technology.

In particular, the preparation of copolymers used in the production of polymeric nanoparticles, mostly in organic solvents, and the use of Hamilton gas tight syringes in the administration of these polymers to the microfluidic system is a mandatory requirement for the healthy execution of the experiment. With the microfluidic system, it can eliminate its limitations to provide the opportunity to do studies that cannot be performed with disposable plastic syringes and to increase our research quality. Hence, the Hamilton product grant will enable the production of different nanoparticular systems containing nucleic acid-based therapeutics using Hamilton gas tight syringes in microfluidic systems.

We are very aware of our responsibility to educate next generation researchers on how to conduct research in the development of drug delivery systems. Therefore, we are committed to ensure that our undergraduate and MSc students are trained in good laboratory procedures. They will later benefit from education about production of nanoparticles with microfluidic system using Hamilton gas tight syringes.

We are very keen to experience Hamilton gas tight glass syringes in the microfluidic production of nanoparticles. Hamilton product grant will encourage us to continue striving for excellence in research.

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