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An improved automated method for the extraction of testosterone in serum was developed using ZnSO4 and Low Porosity Filtration Tips-Ultra Pure (LPFT-UP) on a Microlab® NIMBUS96. The fully automated method incorporates a ZnSO4 solution with acetonitrile on a Hamilton Heater Shaker for improved recovery and precision during protein precipitation. LPFT-UP containing high purity filtration media are used to remove matrix interferences and achieve very low limits of detection. Using this quick (< 2 minutes) and effective, DPX patent-pending, Tip-on-Tip (ToT) technology, the LPFT-UP provide an automated filtration alternative to traditional centrifugation and filtration. This method allows for up to 96 samples to be protein precipitated, filtered, and ready for injection in under 5 minutes.