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The Microlab Prep comes with a variety of pre-defined liquid types. Setting the proper liquid type is important for achieving the most accurate and precise results. If your liquid type is not available, try the solutions in this article to adapt your protocols to the available liquids.

Solution 1: Select the Closest Match

If the exact liquid you are pipetting is not included in the pre-defined list of liquid types, a similar liquid type may be used instead. Follow these steps when selecting a similar liquid type:

  1. Consider the properties of the liquid being pipetted. The most important properties to consider are viscosity and vapor pressure (volatility), as these properties affect how the liquid will flow in and out of the tip. Select the liquid type that most closely matches these two properties to start.
  2. Test the protocol with the closest liquid type. Use a hand pipette or scale to test your results. If the results are not satisfactory, learn more about some simple fixes for improving pipetting.

Solution 2: Save a New Liquid Type

If your results are still unsatisfactory or your liquid is used in multiple steps or protocols, you may need to create a new liquid type. Changes to the Prep’s default liquid types can be saved as new liquids to use in other steps and protocols.

  1. Open the protocol and step with the adjustments you want to save. If you have not made the adjustments yet, you can also create a new liquid from the File Manager:
    1. From the home page, tap the settings button, then select File Manager.
    2. Open the Liquids tab and tap the liquid type you want to start from.
    3. Tap the options button near the search bar and select Duplicate.
    4. Enter a new name for the liquid type and tap Save. Duplicating the liquid type may take some time.
  2. Navigate to the Pipetting Settings page and open the Liquid tab. If the liquid is part of a Serial Dilution step, make sure you go to the correct Pipetting page.
  3. Confirm the selected liquid type. If you created a new liquid type using the File Manager in step 1, select it now.
  4. Make or confirm adjustments to the parameters or correction curve. Make sure to carefully test any changes individually. Learn more about making changes to the liquid parameters or correction curve.
  5. Tap Save As to create the new liquid type. Enter a new name for the liquid type and tap Save.

    If you created a new liquid type using the File Manager in step 1, tap Save instead.

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