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Franklin, Mass. (December 1, 2015) – Hamilton Storage introduces RackWare HD138 and HD60 high-density SBS-footprint racks for microtube and cryovial storage. Designed for use with Hamilton’s BiOS, SAM and Verso sample management and storage systems, the new RackWare increases the storage capacity in a given space by increasing the number of tubes that can be placed in an SBS-footprint rack. These new racks can also be used to maximize storage in manual freezers. RackWare HD138 supports most major 96-format labware and increases storage capacity in a comparable SBS footprint from 96 to 138 tubes. RackWare HD60 increases the storage from 48 to 60 larger cryovials.

“A common theme in today’s lab is ever-growing sample collections coupled with less and less available space,” explained Matt Hutnak, product manager for Hamilton Storage. “Our new automation-friendly, high-density storage format can deliver space savings of more than 25 percent, combined with similar savings in both investment and operating costs per sample.”

Hamilton Storage Media Contacts:

Michael Girardi

Hamilton Storage

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